Community Partners


Lord's Gym "Backpack 4 Kids" giveaway

We have selected this local charity event as one of our main partners. Every year Lord's Gym partners with local businesses and individuals to bless local families in need. Their goal is to provide a backpack, school supplies, an outfit and a free haircut to as many kids as possible. Over the last few years this event has grown to service over 400 kids each year.

For more info on how to partner yourself contact them directly.

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"Love Our Campus"

We have partnered with our local High Schools to provide these shirts to there Christian Clubs for free this school year. The greatest message we can spread is the message of Love. 

These shirts are quickly becoming a hot commodity in all the different campus colors. 

To date we have already donated over 600 shirts between UMHS, EDHS, PHS, and VAHS.


Red Ministries

We are proud to partner with this great ministry. Supplying them with gear that they can sell to help them fulfill their mission. Their mission is to take the message of Hope and Forgiveness to the world through music. Check out their website for more information.

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